This “pudding” is wonderfully moist and is a holiday favorite at our house. I’m not a fan of really sweet desserts so this fits the bill for me. The smell of warm ginger wafting through the house is a aromatic memory of Christmases past. If you don’t have a steam pudding mold with a lid you can use a crockery bowl and just make sure you make a tight fitting lid with foil and rubber bands, etc.

1/2 pound unsalted butter

1 cup light brown sugar

1/4 molasses

1 T brandy of cognac

5 eggs- room temp- lightly whisked

2  1/2 cups sifted four

2 T ground ginger- sifted in with the flour

1  1/4 t baking soda

pinch salt

1 cup crystallized ginger, chopped*

Put a large pot on to boil with enough water to come up 2/3 on the mold or bowl. You can put a trivet or a folded paper towel in the bottom to keep the mold from clanging and scooting around.

Butter an 8 cup mold. Set aside.

Using an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment cream the butter and brown sugar until well mixed. Next add the brandy and molasses. Add the eggs and combine well.

Add the crystallized ginger, and and salt to the sifted flour and mix well. Add the dry ingredients into the butter/sugar/egg mixture and beat on low, scraping as necessary until very well mixed.

Spoon the pudding batter into the mold- give it a few hard taps on the counter to even it out. Put the cover on and place into the boiling water. Put the lid on the pot and turn the heat down to a simmer and simmer for 90 minutes- no need to check on it.

Pull it out of the water bath and wipe of any water around the mold. Turn it out onto a plate. Serve warm or room temp with whipped cream

*I like to get my crystallized ginger from Penzeys Spices or in bulk from Whole Foods or my local food Coop. The little jars in the spice section of the market aren’t as fresh and are pretty pricey.